Saturday, December 19, 2020

Hanukkah Review (Diabolique, 2020)


Holiday-themed horror is a passion for David and he snuck in, on the final night of Hanukkah, to review Hanukkah (2019) featuring the final appearances of both Sid Haig and Dick Miller.

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Budgetary Constraints: Ron Ford (2020, Diabolique)


In his continuing look at Shot On Video pioneers, David spotlights the multi-decade writing and directing career of Ron Ford (Hollywood Mortuary, Tiki). 

As an actor, director and writer, Ford has been largely overlooked by the larger film community... until now.

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Verbal Viscera, Halloween - Cask of Amontillado

In a special Halloween edition, David reads Edgar Allan Poe's "The Cask of Amontillado" for the Great Lakes Association of Horror Writers' The Poe Series.

Monday, October 26, 2020

FanCam, Episode One (Diabolique, 2020)



Welcome to FanCam, where we spotlight genre-filmmaking in terms of fan films. This month we kick it off with a seasonal dose of creepy and review films featuring Michael Myers.

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Curse of the Werewolf (Blood Reign Lit, 2020)



Week Two of Horrorween wouldn't be focusing on the 'classics' without a visit from Hammer Film's resident lycanthrope!

Saturday, October 10, 2020

Dial P for Peanuts (2020, SPP)

with Michael Kary
illustrated by Kurt Belcher


Ten friends are invited to a mysterious home on the remote Isle of Man by the mysterious Mr. Iman. A closely knit group as children, they drifted apart as the world turned them into jaded, cynical... adults. Charles, Lucille, Sally, Patricia and the rest are in danger, though. That jaded adulthood has taken it's toll on the group and they have done horrible, terrible things. As they pay the ultimate price, one by one, will there be enough time to call for help? Will they be able to Dial P... for Peanuts?

Friday, September 25, 2020

Sunday, September 6, 2020

Verbal Viscera, Week Three - Hack

In Week Three, listen to David read "Hack" from his Midnight Creature Feature Picture Show collection!

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Cannibal Fat Camp (2019, Source Point Press)

with Mark C. Scioneaux


The new 'splatire' novella from the team of Mark C. Scioneaux and David C. Hayes is sure to hit the spot!  

From the publisher: "Miles Landish couldn't help himself. He eats and eats and eats and eats just to fill an empty, gaping, hole in his self esteem. Nothing ever seems to fill that hole, even the five star meals Miles' wealthy parents make possible. So, as a last resort, Miles attends Camp Tum Tum, a weight control camp for spoiled teens. What happens there is only hinted at in high social circles, but the truth must be told. Facing starvation, the campers at Tum Tum make a decision that very few human beings have made. That decision turns Camp Tum Tum into... Cannibal Fat Camp!"

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Verbal Viscera, Week Two - Trevor and the Box of 64

In week two, listen to David read "Trevor and the Box of 64" from his American Guignol collection!

Buy American Guignol HERE!

Friday, July 24, 2020

Greasepaint (2020, Source Point Press)



He has lots of fun in store for you!

Michael is the only survivor of serial killer Reginald Bent, better known as the nationally syndicated TV star Orzo the Clown. Having his own rock band has helped Michael cope. He loses himself in the music and doesn’t think of Orzo or the way the demented clown died right in front of him.

Now a new DVD release of the Orzo the Clown Show brings all the memories back to the surface. It has also drawn out either Orzo himself, back from the grave, or a copycat just as insane. Anyone Michael knows is a potential victim as the crazed clown slashes his way through another three-ring circus of terror, hell bent on finishing what was started.

Verbal Viscera, Week One - That's a Wrap

In week one, listen to David read "That's a Wrap" from The Midnight Creature Feature Picture Show collection!

Buy The Midnight Creature Feature Picture Show HERE!

Thursday, June 18, 2020

S.O.V. Revolution: Chester N. Turner (2020, Diabolique)



The forgotten films of shot on video auteur Chester N. Turner, Black Devil Doll from Hell and Tales from the Quadead Zone, get their long overdue respect.

Friday, May 15, 2020

Witchcraft Examined (2020, Diabolique)



The follow up article to Camp Blood Revisited looks at the Witchcraft series of films!

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Camp Blood Revisited (Diabolioque, 2020)



Read David's debut article at the wonderfully macabre Diabolique Magazine!

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Poetry Comix by Ryan Valentine (2020, SPP)

with Sandra Hayes


Collected in this first volume are over 50 classic poems by some of the greatest authors in history, from Yamazki Sokan to Emily Dickinson. These classics breathe new life as in this unique comic book as adapted by Ryan M. Valentine! Your favorite poems are in a whole new, dynamic format! Featuring Gelett Burgess, Irving Berlin, Takarai Kikaku, Homer, Julia Ward Howe, Clark Ashton Smith, Edgar Allan Poe, Li He, Ben Johnson, Francis Scott Key, Thomas Dekker, Robert Frost, Countee Cullen, Yosa Buson, Luo Binwang, Lord Byron, Claude McKay and more!

Monday, February 24, 2020

Tranquility (2020, SPP)

with Frank Byrns
Illustrated by Kurt Belcher
Cover by Sean Seal


Tranquility is a small town in the Pacific Northwest. Sleepy. Back water. Americana. It is also a sasquatch hunting hotspot. Things turn deadly for a group of local youths as the investigate violent maulings in rhe area. Has the reclusive bigfoot had enough or is it something even more dangerous? The sleepy town becomes a hunting ground as the danger mounts! From the creators of Rottentail.

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Final Bloody War of Colton Myers (2020, SPP)

with Christopher Smith & Brian Skiba
Illustrated by Lynsey Hutchinson


After the horrors of the Civil War and a childhood steeped in violence and revenge, Colton Myers attempts to try and settle with what remains of his brother's family and do right by them, whatever God was left to Colt and the people that survived his violent past. When a roving band of depraved villains shatter that dream, Colton Myers has to strap the six-shooters back on and rescue his niece from a Japanese mystic trading in slaves. The only way to to do that, though, is to go through the worst human beings ever to gather in one spot in a gory free-for-all battle with only a single winner. This winner will need to be a human killing machine. Looks like there really is only one man for the job. 81-page, full color original graphic novel.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

S.O.V. The True Independents (2018)

as Himself

Visit S.O.V. Horror!

S.O.V. The True Independents, shot on glorious VHS itself, tells the story of those hard-working individuals who slaved over their camcorders day and night to come out of the jungle with a finished film in their hands. It is the ultimate treat for any fan of this shunned and misunderstood, niche sub-genre of horror, with behind the scenes anecdotes and post-production tales straight from the filmmakers themselves.

Friday, February 7, 2020

Cherub Illustrated (2020, Source Point Press)

Illustrated by Sean Seal


Just in time for Valentine's Day.

He wasn't like the other boys. Too rough. Even on the day he came out of Momma's belly. When Momma died, though, they sent him away to a terrible place. A doctor place... but the people there didn't act like doctors. They called him Cherub and they made him do awful things. Wet things. Hurty things. Until he met his angel, that is. She made it better and the pain went away. For awhile. Nothing lasts forever except a mother's love.

"David C. Hayes is back with Cherub. If you are familiar with his previous work, you know what you're in for. If not, then get ready for a ride through the absolute worst in human nature. Hayes has the unique ability to convey the most sickening acts in a way that will have you laughing between retches. Once the book closes, you'll need to shower and after that you'll wonder what it says about you that Hayes managed to touch so deep and dark. You will be affected." -

Rottentail Variant Cover Gallery (2019)

The Rejected: Dead Girl Variant Gallery (2019)

Rottentail & Twiztid Blu-ray Variant!

Frostbite - February 2020

The Frostbite comic strip begins with a little offering from myself and Sean Seal!

The Vessel by Peggy Christie (2017, SPP)



Nora is an average woman in an average job with an average life. She senses that she is destined for more. Nora has no idea how right she is.

A group of rogue Chinese vampires target Nora who, according to a centuries old myth, is the embodiment of the collective energies of all the souls that have ever or will ever exist. For the vampire who can possess her life force that is infinite power. For Nora? Death. For the world? Oblivion.

Nora is forced to trust another sect of these vampires in order to stop the evil that will destroy all life as we know it.

oddities by David J. Fielding (2018, SPP)



Welcome to three stories of the strange and macabre from the mind of David J. Fielding! Inside you'll find Willy Conklin's Last Snipe, and discover what terrible fate befalls a group of bullies who take things one step too far; in Bad Animals, you'll read how an estranged brother's disappearance leads one man to confront not only the demons of his past but some very hungry ones in his present - and finally Buddy Holly and the Cold, Cold Ground where you'll come to understand that ghosts are real - as are the things that hunt them. So sit back, crack open the covers and settle in for a trio of strange and eerie stories.

Urbane Decay by Michael Cieslak (2018, SPP)



In this short story collection you will encounter things that go bump in the night. Things that shamble in the darkness. Things that are nigh... unmentionable. This is Michael Cieslak, though, so even if you've experienced terror before, it never had this kind of sophistication. Only the most refined and polished fear can be found here. It is, truly, an Urbane Decay.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

The Profane (2019, SPP)



Vincenzo Bilof invites you to enter a world of nightmares. Faith has power. It is brandished like a weapon by priests, whose sole mission is to ensure that paradise touches each corner of the Earth. Paradise, however, is an abyss, and those priests serve the ultimate evil. To spread their unholy cause, angelic hosts are exorcised from innocent victims, though there is one young woman - Lana - who has been trained to bring the demonic institution crashing down once and for all. Hell, it turns out, is dark. And cold.

The Perverse. The Pious. The Profane.

The Runner by Eastin DeVerna (2019, SPP)



Saria had never seen the sun, never felt its warmth on her face. What she did feel was the sting of longing for her missing father. He had been sent as a runner to reach the Oracle and he never came home. Now, Saria has inherited her father’s duty. She must go out into the dangerous wastelands and succeed where he had failed… or else everyone she knows will die. From Eastin DeVerna, the creator of Samurai Grandpa comes... The Runner.

MurderCon by Maureen Orkwis (2019, SPP)



Cosplayers Bethany and Meredith have been going to comic conventions for years so they know what to expect when they go for a four-day event to Orlando. At least they thought they knew. Sgt. Vadam Nore had never heard of a comic book convention until he was called to the scene of a murder at one. With zealous fans running around in costume, and two particular girls getting in the way, this case might just be the weirdest and hardest of his career. The con scene is dangerous. Especially when it is a MurderCon!

Monday, February 3, 2020

House of the Goat by A.P. Sessler (2019, SPP)



They were only following their average male instincts (and girls) when they wound up in the dusty parking lot, but the four young men find themselves guests at the mythical Casa del Cabro.
When cult leader Anthony Aquarius makes an appearance, though, the boys are in for more than turndown service and wake-up calls.

Rituals.  Sacrifice.  Incarnation.
The hallmarks of Satanic Panic.
Master.  Dogma.  Followers.
The perfect recipe for a cult.
Sex.  Blood.  Magic.

Power comes in threes... as does terror, in the House of the Goat.